DOWNLOAD CUT 2 – ANNE HATHAWAY – Explains why she would rather be called anything but “Anne” (:44)
DOWNLOAD CUT 3 – JANICE HAHN – LA County Supervisor wants clinics to vaccinate anyone and everyone they can before even thinking of throwing away any vaccines (:59)
DOWNLOAD CUT 4 – MICHAEL C. HALL – Says it’s the right time to bring back Dexter (:15)
DOWNLOAD CUT 5 – VIRAL VIDEO – A granny scolds Alexa over her music choice (:33)
DOWNLOAD CUT 6 – VIRAL VIDEO – A toddler bursts into a fit of giggles as a dog licks his face (:23)
DOWNLOAD CUT 7– VIRAL VIDEO – A dog plays a toy flute with his snout (:18)
DOWNLOAD CUT 8 – VIRAL VIDEO – A cockatiel sings the Apple ringtone (:24)