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DOWNLOAD CUT 1 BARBARA FERRER The Los Angeles County Health Director says it’s not realistic to re-open school until after the election (:40)


DOWNLOAD CUT 2HODA KOTB – On whether or not she thinks Kathie Lee Gifford will return to television (:13)


DOWNLOAD CUT 3 – JOE EXOTIC – Tiger Team leader, Eric Love, lands in Washington DC with a 257-page presidential pardon request (:55)


DOWNLOAD CUT 4 – JOHN CLEESE Shares the key to creativity (:54)


DOWNLOAD CUT 5 – JUSSIE SMOLLETT Insists that he’s innocent (:22)


DOWNLOAD CUT 6 – MIAMI DOLPHINS Release a statement expressing their discontent with “empty gestures” made by the NFL (:54)


DOWNLOAD CUT 7 – PARIS HILTON – Shares her opinion on Britney being controlled by a conservator (:23)


DOWNLOAD CUT 8 – VIRAL VIDEO – A police officer breaks up a gathering of Miami University students who have tested positive for COVID-19 (:53)


DOWNLOAD CUT 9 – VIRAL VIDEO – A cyclist scolds a disabled man for using an electric wheelchair (:36)


DOWNLOAD CUT 10 – VIRAL VIDEO –A woman is shocked to learn she will be having twins during a visit with her doctor (:59)

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