DOWNLOAD CUT 2 – DONALD TRUMP – Gets a big ovation from the crowd at UFC 302 in New York after the conviction (:25) (TMZ)
DOWNLOAD CUT 3 – JOY BEHAR – Her reaction to the Trump verdict: “I started leaking” (:13) (TMZ)
DOWNLOAD CUT 4 – CHAD BIANCO – Riverside, CA Sheriff says he’s switching his support to Trump: “Let’s put a felon in the White House” (:38) (DAILY MAIL)
DOWNLOAD CUT 5 – ADELE – Goes on foul-mouthed tirade against someone in her Vegas audience over Pride Month (:28) (TMZ)
DOWNLOAD CUT 6 – TRAVIS KELCE – Jokes around with the “Super Fans” George Wendt and Jason Sudeikis in Kansas City (:41) (TMZ)
DOWNLOAD CUT 7 – TAYLOR SWIFT – Tries to get some help to a fan in need while in concert in Lyon, France (:09) (TMZ)
DOWNLOAD CUT 8 – SOFIA VERGARA – Says she’s recycling her tats for new boyfriends (:40) (TMZ)
DOWNLOAD CUT 9 – FAYE RESNICK – Shares memories with Kris Jenner of the last time they saw Nicole Brown Simpson alive (:37) (TMZ)
DOWNLOAD CUT 10 – CHARLEY HULL – Women’s golf pro red-faced after getting caught smoking a cigarette on camera at the US Women’s Open (:37) (DAILY MAIL)