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DOWNLOAD CUT 1 – SNL – Finally takes some shots at Biden and his meeting with President Xi…and a panda (:46) (DAILY MAIL)


DOWNLOAD CUT 2 – SNL – Biden’s panda answers the burning question: who’s he voting for? (:44) (DAILY MAIL)


DOWNLOAD CUT 3 – DONALD TRUMP – On President Biden: “Our leader is a stupid person” (:46) (DAILY MAIL)


DOWNLOAD CUT 4 – DONALD TRUMP – On the “golden showers” accusation: “He’s a germaphobe, he’s not into that” (:33) (TMZ)


DOWNLOAD CUT 5 – BILL MAHER – On social media: “There’s nothing wrong with not having an opinion” (1:13) (TMZ)


DOWNLOAD CUT 6 – TAYLOR SWIFT – Pauses her show in Brazil to try to get her fans water (:32) (TMZ)


DOWNLOAD CUT 7 – JOY BEHAR – Slams Travis Kelce for being “illiterate” (:28) (TMZ)


DOWNLOAD CUT 8 – JEAN DOUSSET – Descendent of famed jeweler Cartier says you can’t tell a lab-grown diamond apart from a real one (:43) (TMZ)


DOWNLOAD CUT 9 – BONNIE DILBER – TikToker and recruiting manager says she has 3 things that you MUST lie about on a job interview (1:00) (NYPOST)

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