DOWNLOAD CUT 2 – BOB ODENKIRK – Does an impression of Jeremy Irons yelling at him for writing a bad monologue (:43)
DOWNLOAD CUT 3 – GENDER REVEAL PLANE CRASH – A gender reveal goes wrong when a stunt plane crashes into the ocean off the coast of Cancun (:34)
DOWNLOAD CUT 4 – HAILEY BEIBER – Says Justin Bieber is helping her unplug from social media (:59)
DOWNLOAD CUT 5 – KATHERINE SCHWARZENEGGER – Explains why she won’t reveal her daughter’s face on social media (:30)
DOWNLOAD CUT 6 – NATALIA BRYANT – Kobe Bryant’s daughter Natalia reacts to getting into USC (:11)
DOWNLOAD CUT 7 – SHAQUILLE O’NEAL – Tells Steve-O he wants to be in Jackass 4 (:37)
DOWNLOAD CUT 8 – VIRAL VIDEO – A couple youtubers get into an Uber wearing ski masks and carrying a duffle bag full of cash as a prank (:35)
DOWNLOAD CUT 9 – VIRAL VIDEO – The two youtubers responsible for the bank robbery prank in Orange County are scolded by police (:51)
DOWNLOAD CUT 10 – VIRAL VIDEO – A pod of humpback whales surround a two divers in Bermuda (:35)