DOWNLOAD CUT 2 – ALEJANDRO ROMERO – Says that Heard asked him to investigate scratches on the apartment door, he says it was the dog (1:15)
DOWNLOAD CUT 3 – OFFICER TYLER HADDEN – LAPD officer says Amber Heard “Was not a victim of domestic violence” (:55)
DOWNLOAD CUT 4 – CHRISTIAN CARINO – Amber Heard’s agent talks about texts from Heard referencing her dating Elon Musk (:53)
DOWNLOAD CUT 5 – CHRISTIAN CARINO – Heard’s texts continue about Musk: “Again a man lets me fall on the spikes by myself” (:39)
DOWNLOAD CUT 6 – AMBER HEARD – Small crowd boos her as she leaves court in Virginia (:24)
DOWNLOAD CUT 7 – ALEC BALDWIN – Begs police to grill Rust crewmembers over a missing box of bullets (1:30)
DOWNLOAD CUT 8 – ALEC BALDWIN – Detective Alec Baldwin goes on and on about the missing box of bullets (1:26)
DOWNLOAD CUT 9 – ALEC BALDWIN – Goes on at length about “What’s really tough for me” (:42)
DOWNLOAD CUT 10 – ALEC BALDWIN – Says he talked Halyna Hutchins’ husband Matt about his loss (:52)
DOWNLOAD CUT 11 – ALEC BALDWIN – Wants to know who “might be out to get me” (:24)
DOWNLOAD CUT 12 – HANNAH REED – Rust armorer starts crying after the on-set shooting (1:16)
DOWNLOAD CUT 13 – HAILEY BIEBER – The 25-year-old says she had a stroke last month (1:26)
DOWNLOAD CUT 14 – HOWIE MANDEL – Says he went insane from COVID quarantine (:43)
DOWNLOAD CUT 15 – MIKE ROWE – Sings a mean shanty to plug his new whisky, Knobel (:50)
DOWNLOAD CUT 16 – SALARY TRANSPARENCY – TikToker asks people on the street in D.C. how much they make (:52)
DOWNLOAD CUT 17 – SUPER DAD – Dad catches foul ball while bottle-feeding baby at Pirates/Reds game (:34)
DOWNLOAD CUT 18 – MUFFINS – Witness at Depp/Heard trial interrogated incessantly about the muffins (1:07)