DOWNLOAD CUT 2 – RYAN REYNOLDS – Makes a film on having his first colonoscopy for the charity Lead From Behind (:39)
DOWNLOAD CUT 3 – CARDI B – Freaked out about the cost of living for working class people: “How are people surviving?” (:16)
DOWNLOAD CUT 4 – SELMA BLAIR – Tells Drew Barrymore her father was writing her poison pen letters using her name (:50)
DOWNLOAD CUT 5 – DR. ANTHONY FAUCI – Admits in 2004 that the “most potent vaccination” is getting sick (:26)
DOWNLOAD CUT 6 – SCHOOL DIET – LAUSD getting backlash over a video that says diet culture is based on “oppression” (1:04)
DOWNLOAD CUT 7 – AUSSIES SAY NO – Two girls from Brisbane, Australia share their experiences of Americans hitting on them in San Francisco (:35)