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DOWNLOAD CUT 1 –  BARACK OBAMA – Heckles Charles Barkley for being fat (:26)


DOWNLOAD CUT 2 – BARACK OBAMA  Pokes fun at Charles Barkley for his gambling (:17)


DOWNLOAD CUT 3 – CHAUVIN TRIAL – The judge presiding over Derek Chauvin’s murder trial openly chides Rep. Maxine Waters for seemingly stoking unrest over the case (:57)


DOWNLOAD CUT 4 – DEMI LOVATO Admits she jumped to conclusions about a local froyo shop’s signage (:59)


DOWNLOAD CUT 5 – DOG THE BOUNTY HUNTER – Advocates for police to adopt the use of non-lethal ammo (:58)


DOWNLOAD CUT 6 – MAXINE WATERS – Calls for people to “stay in the streets” and “demand justice” (:21)


DOWNLOAD CUT 7 – VIRAL VIDEO – A woman pops open a tight jar lid after several men fail to open it (:44)


DOWNLOAD CUT 8 – VIRAL VIDEO – Britain’s “grumpiest postman” was caught on a doorbell camera during a foul-mouthed tirade (:19)


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