DOWNLOAD CUT 2 – CHADWICK BOSEMAN – Gets emotional about the impact Black Panther had on two kids with terminal cancer in a resurfaced interview from 2018 (1:05)
DOWNLOAD CUT 3 – ELI MANNING – Celebrates Tom Coughlin’s birthday by challenging fellow athletes who played for Coach Coughlin to donate to his charity (:36)
DOWNLOAD CUT 4 – ERNIE JOHNSON – Pays tribute to John Thompson on “Inside the NBA,” passes out towels to co-hosts in honor of the Georgetown legend (:55)
DOWNLOAD CUT 5 – JAMAL MURRAY – Tells an interviewer how George Floyd and Breonna Taylor inspired his 50 point performance against Utah (:51)
DOWNLOAD CUT 6 – JASON SUDEIKIS – Comments on the backlash after his scene in The Mandalorian where he punched Baby Yoda (:58)
DOWNLOAD CUT 7 – KANYE WEST – Says he’s “not running for president, I’m walking” in an interview with Nick Cannon (:26)
DOWNLOAD CUT 8 – THE WEEKEND – Demands justice for Jacob Blake and Breonna Taylor after winning ‘Best R&B’ at the VMAs (:19)
DOWNLOAD CUT 9 – VIRAL VIDEO – A British prankster dyes his girlfriend’s skin blue by putting fabric dye in her bubble bath (:35)