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DOWNLOAD CUT 1 – CAITLYN JENNER – Team Caitlyn release a promotional video for Caitlyn Jenner’s campaign for California Governor (:55)


DOWNLOAD CUT 2 – ELON MUSK Asks paparazzi for ideas for his SNL appearance (:37)


DOWNLOAD CUT 3 – HOUSE APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE – Member day zoom meeting has audio from Down Periscope playing throughout (:40)


DOWNLOAD CUT 4 – GEORGIA Police officer, Kelvin Dingle, delivers an impassioned rant about the polarization surrounding police officers (:33)


DOWNLOAD CUT 5 – GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS Dallas Anderson and Jon Paleka set a Guinness World Record for the farthest marshmallow propelled and caught in the mouth at a distance of 225 ft. 10 in. (:18)


DOWNLOAD CUT 6 – TERRY BRADSHAW – Calls Aaron Rodgers weak, “Go ahead and retire, see ya later” (:39)


DOWNLOAD CUT 7 – VIRAL VIDEO – A woman who did not know she was pregnant, gives birth on a Delta flight to Hawaii (:57)


DOWNLOAD CUT 8 – VIRAL VIDEO – A TikToker calls out a creepy man taking pictures of women in public (1:00)


DOWNLOAD CUT 9 – VIRAL VIDEO A Youtuber performs an acoustic cover of “Move Bitch” by Ludacris (1:24)


DOWNLOAD CUT 10 – VIRAL VIDEO – A racist motorist berates a police officer while getting a ticket (:59)


DOWNLOAD CUT 11 – VIRAL VIDEO – A cockatiel sings “Tequila” (:18)


DOWNLOAD CUT 12 – VIRAL VIDEO A 16-month-old baby says mama in a disturbingly low voice (:17)

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